In the next upcomming months, this site will be overgoing a major remake, so if anything is out of place, or seems out of the ordinary, don't hesitate to leave a comment here, or send us an email at [email protected]. So far, we have added a visitor counter. Currently, we are also working on getting our website a higher rank on sites like Google, so we can get more visitors, and more members. It is unconfirmed, but June is allegedly accepted by Zest, and more news on that fact will come later, after the next Zest meeting. 
    Thanks for taking the time to read this post, and Happy New Year,
The Technical Zest Team
We are sorry that there was no news last week, there was too many things going on and we never managed to get to this. The first Zest Meeting was held in Mrs. Richardson's room 2 weeks ago. Thursday December 20 was also the 69th day of Zest which was celebrated as a clubwide holiday.
A new ziller group has surfaced. It is known as PowerKeepers. It has to do with controlling elemental powers and bonding with dragons. Dont ask, it was made by Erik J. His website is
Go over there and tell him what you think!
This concludes the news.
Thanks for reading and Merry Zestmas,
The Technical Zest Team
The wristbands have arrived! If you are interested in getting one, please talk to Alex B about it and remember that they cost 2$ each. New members/promotions include Grace V (Promotion to Zunk), Cody Rideout (New member and is Zunk) Julia H (New Zestie), Kelsey R, (New Zestie), Emily B, (New Zestie), Ryan P (New Zesta), Shane R (New Zesta) And Ryan B (New Zesta). We have also made Zest videos. They can be viewed here.